Kusuma is the wife of Ravi. Govind and Prabha are brothers. Govind is the brother of Ravi, Prabhu is Kusuma's?
[FCI Assis, 2012]
Savitha introduced a boy as the son of the only daughter of the father of her materrial uncle. How is boy related to Savitha?
[FCI Assis, 2012]
Gopal said, pointing to Govind "His father is my father's only son" How is Gopal related to Govind?
[FCI Assis, 2012]
Pointing towards a woman in a photograph Vijay said, "She is the daughter of the father of sister of my brother". How is the lady in the photograph related to Vijay?
[SSC Data entry operator, 2012]
Rajiv is the brother of Arun. Sonia is the sister of Sunil. Arun is the son of Sonia. How is Rajiv related to Sunil ?
[SSC Data entry operator, 2012]
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