In each of the following number series, only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number?
41, 45, 61, 97, 181, 261, 405
[IBPS CWE (PO/MT), 2014]
16, 30, 58, 114, 226, 496, 898
[IBPS CWE (PO/MT), 2014]
15, 21.5, 46.5, 145, 585.5, 293317603.5
[IBPS CWE (PO/MT), 2014]
5, 6, 16, 57, 246, 1245, 7506
[IBPS CWE (PO/MT), 2014]
2, 13, 46, 145, 452, 1333, 4006
[IBPS CWE (PO/MT), 2014]
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