Difference between mitotic cell division and meiotic cell division
Posted on : 24-11-2017 Posted by : Admin

The following table gives the detailed differences between mitotic cell division and meiotic cell division:

Mitotic cell division Meiotic cell division
Mitosis takes place in the somatic cells of the body Meiosis takes place in the germ cells of the body
This cell division occurs in both the sexually reproducing as well as asexually reproducing organisms This cell division occurs only in sexually reproducing organisms
The cell divides only once This division involves two cell divisions. Namely, Meiosis I and Meiosis II
Interphase occurs prior ro each division Interphase I occurs prior to Meiosis I and a short interval occuring before Meiosis II is called interkinesis
DNA replication takes place during Interphase DNA replication takes place only during Interphase I, and not during interkinesis phase
DNA replication occurs only for once in one cell division DNA replication occurs once in two cell divisions
Prophase is simple and short. It does not include any sub-stages. Prophase is complicated and comparitively longer. It includes substages namely Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene and Diakinesis
Both the cell and the chromosomes divide only once The cell divides twice but the chromosomes divide only once
Synapsis does not occur Synapsis of the homologous chromosomes is an important event which takes place during prophase.
Two chromatids of the chromosome do not exchange segments. In other words, crossing over absent Two chromatids of two homologous chromosomes exchange segments by crossing over during pachytene stage.
Chiasmata are absent Chiasmata are present between the homologous chromosomes during diakinesis, siplotene and Metaphase 1 stages.
Homologous chromosomes do not form synaptonemal complex Homologous chromosomes form synaptonemal complex
During metaphase, all the centromeres line up on the same plane During metaphase 1 centromeres are lined up in two planes parallel to one other.
The metaphase plate is made up of chromosome pairs Metaphase plate is made up of paired chromosome pairs
The two chromatids of a chromosome are genetically similar Two chromatids of a chromosome are mostly genetically different due to the process of crossing over
Genetic constitution of the daughter cells is identical to parent cells Genetic constitution of the daughter cells is different from parent cells. It is the mixture of maternal and paternal genes
Division of the centrome takes place during anaphase. Division of the centrome takes place during anaphase 2 and not during anaphase 1
Chromosomes separate simultaneously during anaphase stage The separation of the short chromosomes is early while the separation of the long chromosomes is a long process.
Anaphase chromosomes are single stranded Chromosomes are double stranded in anaphase 1 while they are single stranded in anaphase 2
Similar chromosomes move towards the opposite poles during anaphase Dissimilar chromosomes move towards the opposite poles during anaphase 1 and anaphase 2
Spindle fibers disappear completely in telophase Spindle fibers do not dissapear completely in telophase 1
Nucleoli reappear during telophase Nucleoli do not appear again during telophase
Mitotic cell division is followed by cytokinesis toproduce two daughter cells Meiosis 1 is not followed by cytokinesis while meiosis 2 is followed by cytokinesis to produce four daughter cells
Chromosome number remains unchanged at the end of mitosis Chromosome number is reduced from diploid to haploid.
It helps in multiplication of cells for the process of healing and repair It helps in reproduction process for the formation of gametes and maintainence of chromosome number.


  1. Write about the significance of meiosis cell division.
  2. Mention the importance of meiosis in creation of genetic variation.

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