Practice Test Discussion


A cistern can be filled by two pipes X and Y in 4 hours and 6 hours respectively. When the tank is full, it can be empties by pipe Z in 8 hours. If all the pipes are turned on together, the cistern can be full in___ hours?

  • Explanation

    According to the formula, If pipe A  and B fills a tank in x and y hours respectively, but a third pipe C empties the full tank in z hours then the net portion filled in 1 hour when all of them are opened together is xyzyz+xz-xy hours.


     4×6×8(4×8)+(6×8)-(4×6)=4×6×856=247 or 337hours

    Therefore, the tank will be filled in 337 hours when all the pipes are opened simultaneously.

    Hence option A is correct.

    For more Short tricks and formulae click 

    Pipes and cisterns

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