Practice Test Discussion


In series 1, only one number is wrong. If the wrong number is corrected, the series gets established following a certain logic. Complete series 2 with same logic and answer the given question.

Series 1: 2 3 2 15 76 245 1434
Series 2: 3 a b c d e f

What will come in place of (c) ?

  • Explanation

    The given number series 1 follows the logic

    ⇒ 2×1+1²= 3

    ⇒ 3×2-2²=  2

    ⇒ 2×3+3²= 15

    ⇒ 15×4-4²= 44

    ⇒ 244×5+5²= 245

    ⇒ 245×6-6²= 1434

    Similarly, series 2

    (a)⇒ 3×1+1²= 4

    (b)⇒ 4×2-2²=  4

    (c)⇒ 4×3+3²= 21

    Hence, Option D is correct

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    Number series

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