Practice Test Discussion


The average cost of 49 pens and a pencil sold by a shop keeper is ₹ 63. If the cost of the pencil is removed, then the average drops down by ₹ 1. Find the cost of the pencil.

  • Explanation

    Here we can use the formula

    Average (A)=Sum of observations (S)No. of observations (N) ⇒ S=A×N

    According to the question,

    Sum of cost of 49 pens and a pencil (A=63, N=50)

    ⇒S=63 X 50 =3150

    Later, Cost of the pencil is removed, average drops down by 1. (so A=62, N=49)

    So, sum of cost of 49 pens

    ⇒S=62 X 49 =3038


    The cost of the pencil =(sum of cost of 49 pens and a pencil)-(Sum of cost of 49 pens)



    Hence, Option B is correct.

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