Practice Test Discussion


Tap root system and adventitious root system differs from each other with respect to

  • Explanation

    Tap root system and adventitious root system differs from each other with respect to origin. In Tap root system, the roots develop from the radicle of the germinating seed. In tap root system the radicle is long lived. Here the primary root grows into a strong root called as tap root. In Fibrous root system, the radicle is short lived and gets degenerated after some time. Later a number of fiber-like new roots develop from the base of the stem. As these roots develop from parts of the plant other than radicle, this is called adventitious root system. However, Roots developing from the radicle are called as normal roots and the roots developing from any other part of the plant except radicle are called adventitious roots.

    For more details click the links below...

    Characteristics and functions of Root

    Modifications of Root

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